Book - Rawal Family of Amka by Mahendra Singh


Book Rawal Family of Amka has been released on 14th of August 2022. It contains many new topics including a detailed account of 1947 battle of Amka. The book is mentioned in India Book of Records for having largest number of photos of a single family. It is now available on Evincepub, Flipkart, Amazon, Instamozo and e-books channels. Links for the book are:-





The book is available in English as well as in Hindi. Pages 225. MRP for both versions is Rs 475/-  In other countries, the MRP is 8 US dollars.

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This is the third edition of the Book “Rawal Family of Amka”. The first edition was published in 2018. Basically, it is the description of seven generations of one family. It contains brief introduction of members of one branch Rawal Family of village Amka belonging to Thakur Ramjas Singh. It also contains family tree of other two branches belonging to Thakur Moti Ram Singh and Thakur Mukhram Singh. In this edition, some of the outstanding persons who achieved higher positions in Government or Private/Public Sector organisations or have made significant contribution in public life have been mentioned under a separate chapter titled as “Jewels of Rawal Family”. These jewels have brought name, fame and glory to the family In addition, some of the young talented family members have been included as the rising stars of the family. The old buildings that include Havelis, Dubars, Kothis etc constructed by the forefathers of the family have been included in the third edition of the book. 


I acknowledge with thanks the valuable contribution made by the following in writing of the book and also for providing information for website:

  • Shri Pradeep Singh Rawal of Amka
  • Shri Birbal Singh ji of Dadri.
  • Shri Shiv Pratap Singh Rawal of Dhoom Manikpur.
  • Shri Sujeet Rawal of Dhoom Manikpur
  • Ms. Aarti Rawal of Amka now settled in Canada.
  • Shri Rahul Rawal of Amka now settled in Australia.
  • Ms. Anushka Rawal of Amka now settled in Australia
  • Shri Vinod Rawal of Amka
  • Shri Surya Pratap Singh Rawal of Amka
  • Shri Bharat Singh of Amka
  • Shri Manoj Singh (Syana)
  • Shri Shashak Rawal of Amka
  • Sushri Ritu Rawal, Amka

 Information for the book has been collected from the following sources:

  • Rawal (Bhati) Jati Ka Itihas published by Rawal Itihas Prakashan Samiti, Bhilwara, Rajasthan.
  • A booklet printed by Col. D.S. Rawal of Dhoom Manikpur
  • Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan by Col James Tod
  • Annals of Jaisalmer by Hari Singh Bhati
  • A list of ancestors from Thakur Ranjit Singh ji and six generations above was given  by Shri Shiv Pratap Singh Rawal of Dhoom Manikpur.
  • Wikipedia

Expressing my grateful thanks to all,
~ Mahendra Singh

Why this book?

My father died on 2nd November 1985. For many years, he had kept a number of files containing numerous letters on various subjects and other documents like his education certificates etc at my residence.  He either wrote these letters or received from various people. Till a few years back, I did not seriously look at those letters.  To sort out unwanted papers one day, I took out the bundle and started reading the papers one by one. I was surprised that he had meticulously kept his high school mark sheet, graduate degree, other letters belonging to his school, college days and letters from some very eminent persons. Some documents are about one hundred years old and have become very fragile and brittle. I sensed he wanted someone to see them and know about his achievements, his life, his struggles, his dreams.  That’s when I decided to compile the information, but not his alone. I wanted to collect similar information/documents/photographs of all members of the Rawal Family of Amka and compile the same in a book for the sake of future generations to come. This is how I initiated this project.

Rawal is a sub cast of Bhati Rajputs. Jaisalmer was the main State of Bhatis. However it was not the only state which was ruled by them. Many other states such as Patiala, Nahan, Nabha, Kapurthala, Sirmor, Jabal were also ruled by Bhatis at one time or the other. Bhati Rajputs are scattered all over north India. Many clans of Gujar, Muslims, Sikhs and Panjabi Khatris are also offshoots of Bhatis. The focus of this book is however, on Bhati Rawlaut, more commonly known as Rawals.

The second updated edition of the book was published in 2020.  In March 2021, the entire country was locked down because of corona virus. I did not want to idly sit at home. Therefore, I decided to gainfully utilise the spare time available during the lock down period. So I started work on the third edition of this book “Rawal Family of Amka”. This also became necessary because a lot of additional information and material was made available to me by other family members.  I worked on this project for about three months. It took a few days more in designing, proof reading, printing and binding of the book. I am satisfied with the labour put in to complete the job. However, readers are the final judge to decide as to what extent, the book has served the purpose. I am thankful for the cooperation of one and all.

I have taken every care to ensure accuracy. However, still there may be some errors of commission and omission. Kindly bring the same, if any, to my notice for rectification. It will always be possible to improve this compilation by adding more data and information. I have worked on the first edition of this book for about six months and met almost all members of the descendants of Thakur Mohar Singh and Thakur Ramjas Singh to collect details, data, photographs etc. I am happy that I got the full backing, cooperation and encouragement from everybody.

I am thankful to my son Rahul who helped me to work on website. On almost daily basis, he used to brief me as to how should I solve innumerable problems that I encountered while operating the website. Rahul is a busy person being head of IT department of a multinational firm in Australia. But still he managed to find time to guide me to work on this website.

I hope the book will inspire many other such prominent families to dig out their past and reveal valuable heritage for the sake of posterity.

Mahendra Singh 
Author of “Rawal Family of Amka”