Rising Stars of Rawal Family

A new section “RISING STARS” has been added to the website. Brief introduction and photograph of such young members of the family will be displayed who have the potential to be ultimately promoted in due course to “Jewels of the Family” section of the website. The general guidelines to be followed will be that the family member should be either :

  • Working on a minimum class II gazetted post or on a post equivalent to lieutenant in the armed or para military forces or working in a private/public sector on a salary of minimum Rs. 7,50,000/- per annum
  • Should possess post graduate qualification in any branch of medical science, engineering, information technology, business management etc.
  • Anyone who excelled in sports, social work or public service or in the field of agriculture may also be given a place in this section.
Amit Rawal is the son of Shri Gianendra Singh. He is a Canadian Citizen and presently working as "Senior Manager - Digital Identity, Access & Security" with Canada's biggest bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). Amit enjoys travelling, playing recreational sports. He is a fitness enthusiast.
Rahul Rawal is the son of Shri Mahendra Singh. He is an Australian Citizen and presently working as Head of IT Department of a Multinational Company -Surteco Australia
Amar Rawal, B.Tech, is the son of Dr. L.S. Rawal. He has set up a Bakery Factory with three Own Brand Outlets in NCR. Many more outlets are in offing. Turnover is more than 2 Crores. He does Real Estate Projects and also runs two Paying Guest houses in Guru Gram and Ghaziabad.
Lt. Commander Ankit Rawal, B. Tech, is the son of Shri Harendra Singh Rawal. He is in the Indian Navy since 2010 He is an expert diver and can dive up to 350 meters in the ocean. He is a proud member of submarine community
Lieutenant Vishrut Singh Rawal is the son of Commodore Rajinder Singh Rawal of Ghori Bachera. He is B.Tech from JNU and is the third generation officer in Indian Navy & Army. Recipient of Wavell"s Sword of Honour from RIMC
Lieutenant Hitisha Rawal is the daughter of Commodore Rajinder Singh Rawal of Ghori. She is the first ever commissioned girl officer in Rawals. She is in Judge Advocate General Branch of Indian Army.
Shubhendra is the son of Shri Shailendra Singh. He has set up an Elevator & Maintenance Company under the name of Uplift Control Pvt. Ltd in 2016. Presently , it has about 600 elevators under its maintenance. Company is operating in Delhi, UP, Punjab, and Haryana. Total turnover is about Rs. 2 Crores
Aarti Rawal is the daughter of Shri Gianendra Singh. She is MBA from Amity Univeristy, Noida (UP) and a post graduate in Computer Applications. Now a Canadian Citizen, She is currently working as Senior Manager with Earnest & Young which is one of the four top global consultancy firms
Surya Pratap Singh is an Advocate. He is the son of Thakur Vijay Pal Singh. Does mechanised farming in Amka with modern techniques. Also a social worker.
Dr. Sakshi Rawal is the daughter of Shri Bhanu Pratap Singh.. She is a dentist. Currently doing MDS from Shubh Bharti, Meerut.
Anubhav is the son of Shri Vinod Rawal. He did his B.Tech in Mech. Enginering in first division. Presently working as Officer Trainee in Stock Holding Corporation of India
Vansh is the son of Shri Vivek Rawal . He is a promising Archer. Played in CBSE Clusster at Loni, Jullundhar and Nationals at Raipur. Won many silver and gold medals in Archery.
Pradeep Singh Rawal popularly known as Bobby is the son of Thakur Sudhir Singh Rawal of Amka. He is a progressive farmer owning a large chunk of land. Use modern techniques for farming. Also takes keen interest in social and political activities,
Dushyant is the son of Shri Vinod Singh Rawal of Dhoom Manikpur. He is B.Tech in Computing. Presently heading a branch of an Electric House in Qutar. Dushyant also have business interest in the field of Constrcation and Trading.
Bharat Rawal is the son of Shri Vinay Kumar Rawal of Amka. He is MCA, PGDCA, ADCA, CIC, MA, BSc. Presently working as Assistant Registrar in Amity University, Greater Noiida, Complex.
Aparna is the daughter of Shri Satyendra Rawal. She is a Researcher and Analyst in strategic affairs (Defence and counter terrorism). Aparana is a graduate in International Relations and Diplomacy specializing in international Anti-terrorism. She was in USA for 10 years. While working, she acquired Bachelor’s of Media Study from SUNY at Buffalo, NY.